Using the ACE Learning protocol to support staff engagement and growth of learning

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Using the ACE Learning protocol to support staff engagement and growth of learning (September 19, 2023)
This webinar explores innovative ideas designed to increase student satisfaction and well-being for 6th-12th grade students. The findings of research and implementation of these ideas within an international school will be discussed, with a focus on increasing student well-being and satisfaction. Drivers of the research included choice, empowerment, autonomy, and agency for students, coupled with the desire for consistent and effective communication aligned to shared values. The session will outline the research, actions taken and the outcomes. Conclusions from survey results and interviews with students show an increased sense of satisfaction and wellbeing. Students will contribute to the discussion, sharing their own lived experiences during the research.

This session will be helpful for educators interested in specific ways of increasing student engagement and autonomy which connects closely to their sense of well-being.

Michael Fisher, 6th-12th Grade Director, Peter Gruber International Academy, US Virgin Islands
Darlene Fisher, NEASC International Accreditation Leader
