NEASC-CIS standards hero

Standards for Accreditation - Independent Schools

Standards for Accreditation - Independent Schools

Independent schools must meet all Standards for Accreditation. If a school is found not to be in compliance with one or more standard, the NEASC Commission on Independent Schools will set a date by which the standard(s) must be met if the school is to retain its accreditation.

NEASC Accreditation documentation is divided into “Standards” and “Indicators.” The standards state the over-all goal. The Indicators are key components of each standard. The term “indicator” is chosen deliberately to point out essential elements of a larger concept. In some schools, alternative indicators may be required to demonstrate a standard has been met. In some schools, certain indicators may not be relevant. In either case, the school should clearly discuss the reasons for including or excluding a particular indicator as part of the narrative.

As schools undergo the accreditation process, the NEASC Standards should be considered  within the context of all students, prekindergarten through graduation. We recognize that the governance, infrastructure, culture and climate support and facilitate the growth of all students regardless of age. There is no specific standard for preschool programs, defined for NEASC purposes of accreditation as programs meeting the needs of three-year and four-year-old children.

In short, and as hoped, the work of the NEASC Visiting Team and the findings of their report have provided an ideal segue into our strategic planning across all areas of school life, school leadership, and governance.

--Pieter Mulder, Head of School - Berkshire School, Sheffield, MA

Please note that there is no specific standard for preschool programs, defined for NEASC purposes of accreditation as programs meeting the needs of three-year and four-year-old children. We recognize that the governance, infrastructure, culture and climate support and facilitate the growth of all students regardless of age. As schools undergo the accreditation process, the NEASC Standards should be considered within the context of all students, prekindergarten through graduation.