Public High Schools

Accreditation Process 2019 - Public high schools

Accreditation Process 2019

Public high schools which hosted an accreditation visit by the end of 2019 will continue to use:

2011 Standards + 2019 Accreditation Process

Progress Reports

Special Progress Reports


  1. Write out each recommendation from the notification letter in question and number the recommendations in order as they appear in the Commission’s letter.

  2. Identify the status of each highlighted recommendation based on the categories listed below.

    • COMPLETED:  The recommendation has been implemented fully or an on-going process has been initiated to ensure its implementation

    • IN PROGRESS:  Steps have been taken to carry out the recommendation but additional work needs to be done to ensure full implementation.

    • PLANNED FOR THE FUTURE:  Although the recommendation has not progressed beyond the planning stage, it will be carried out as soon as conditions warrant.

    • REJECTED:  The recommendation is impractical or invalid because it arose from insufficient observation or relates to circumstances which no longer exist.

    • NO ACTION: The recommendation is valid but has not yet been addressed.

  3. School officials should describe all progress to date, indicate projected dates and plans for full implementation, and/or provide a reason why each recommendation has not been completed. Particular care should be taken to justify any recommendations which have been classified as Rejected.

  4. Report must be signed electronically by the Principal/Headmaster and the Chair of the Follow-Up Committee including position of the Chair and date submitted.

2-Year Progress Report

Please enter responses in the Portal,

Instructions - Please respond to Highlighted Recommendations first:

Section I.  Respond to each highlighted recommendation, identified in your notification letter(s) and found in the portal, by doing the following:

  1. Click on the highlighted recommendations in the portal and click “Open” on the recommendation you are answering.
  2. In the “Response Status” box select and enter the status of the highlighted recommendation based on the categories listed below.

    COMPLETED:  The recommendation has been implemented fully or an on-going process has been initiated and/or is in place to ensure its implementation.

    IN PROGRESS:  Steps have been taken to carry out the recommendation, but more needs to be done to ensure full implementation.

    PLANNED FOR THE FUTURE:  Although the recommendation has not progressed beyond the planning stage, it will be carried out as soon as conditions warrant.

    REJECTED:  The recommendation is invalid or relates to circumstances which no longer exist.

    NO ACTION:  The recommendation is valid, but has not yet been addressed.
  3. In the dialogue box describe, in detail, the school’s process to complete the recommendation or the school’s progress to-date made to implement the recommendation. For recommendations not completed, indicate the projected plans and timelines for full implementation.
  4. After you have responded to each highlighted recommendation be sure to click “Save All Responses” before closing or your information will not be saved.
  5. Check to ensure that you have responded to every highlighted recommendation.

Section II.  Please respond to each general recommendation, identified in your accreditation report and found in the portal.

  1. Click on the general recommendations in the portal and click “Open” on the recommendation you are answering.
  2. In the “Response Status” box select and enter the status of the highlighted recommendation based on the categories listed below.

    COMPLETED: The recommendation has been implemented fully or an on-going process has been initiated and/or is in place to ensure its implementation.

    IN PROGRESS: Steps have been taken to carry out the recommendation, but more needs to be done to ensure full implementation.

    PLANNED FOR THE FUTURE: Although the recommendation has not progressed beyond the planning stage, it will be carried out as soon as conditions warrant.

    REJECTED: The recommendation is invalid or relates to circumstances which no longer exist.

    NO ACTION: The recommendation is valid, but has not yet been addressed.
  3. In the dialogue box describe, the school’s process to complete the recommendation or the school’s progress to-date made to implement the recommendation.  For recommendations not completed, indicate the projected plans and timelines for full implementation.
  4. If a general recommendation has already been responded to in the highlighted recommendations, you should still indicate the status of the recommendation and in the dialogue box write “See Response for Standard (1-7).
  5. After you have responded to each general recommendation be sure to click “Save All Responses” before closing or your information will not be saved.
  6. Check to ensure that you have responded to every general recommendation.

Section III – IX Response Questions – click on “Open” and after you have entered each response into a dialogue box ensure you click the “Save All Responses” button before closing or your changes will not be saved.

Section III
In the dialogue box Copy and Paste the school’s core values, beliefs, and learning expectations including the date of the most recent review or upload the document in “Add Files”

Section IV
In the dialogue box briefly describe any substantive change that has occurred since the decennial evaluation and which has not been reported previously to the Committee.  

Section V
In the dialogue box provide a list of user fees for all co-curricular activities, including athletics or upload the school’s policies in “Add Files”

Section VI
In the dialogue box briefly describe any achievements or strengths in the school's programs or services which have not been previously reported and which have significance for the school.

Section VII
In the dialogue box describe any school restructuring or other reform initiatives or projects not previously reported and indicate planned or completed changes resulting from such initiatives or projects as they relate to the school's core values, beliefs and learning expectations, the curriculum, instruction, assessment, programs, personnel, facilities, finances, culture, educational media technology, and/or community support and involvement.

Section VIII
In the dialogue box briefly describe the school's Follow-Up Program.  Include such information as the number of committees formed, degree of participation of parents and community members, process followed, and amount of release time provided.  List the names and positions of faculty members who serve on the Follow-Up Committee.

Section IX
Copy and paste the Statistical Data Sheet form as it appears in the portal into the dialogue box and complete the form in the dialogue box.

Submit Report:
The “Mark Report Complete” button will not appear in the portal until the report is 75% complete.  However, you should make sure that all Sections I – IX of your report are completed before you click on this button.

IMPORTANT - Please note that once you click “Mark Report Complete” you will no longer have access to view or edit the information submitted.

5-Year Progress Report

Please enter responses in the Portal,

Instructions - Please respond to Highlighted Recommendations first:

Section I
Respond to each highlighted recommendation, identified in your notification letter(s) and found in the portal, by doing the following:

  1. Click on the highlighted recommendations in the portal and click “Open” on the recommendation you are answering. 
    Note: If you have already responded to a recommendation in a previous report, please type in the response box the report in which you previously responded and the date it was due (i.e. Two-Year Progress Report, October 2017). 
  2. In the “Response Status” box select and enter the new status of the highlighted recommendation based on the categories listed below.

    COMPLETED:  The recommendation has been implemented fully or an on-going process has been initiated and/or is in place to ensure its implementation.

    IN PROGRESS:  Steps have been taken to carry out the recommendation, but more needs to be done to ensure full implementation.

    PLANNED FOR THE FUTURE:  Although the recommendation has not progressed beyond the planning stage, it will be carried out as soon as conditions warrant.

    REJECTED:  The recommendation is invalid or relates to circumstances which no longer exist.

    NO ACTION:  The recommendation is valid, but has not yet been addressed.
  3. In the dialogue box describe, in detail, the school’s process to complete the recommendation or the school’s progress to-date made to implement the recommendation. For recommendations not completed, indicate the projected plans and timelines for full implementation.
  4. After you have responded to each highlighted recommendation be sure to click “Save All Responses” before closing or your information will not be saved.
  5. Check to ensure that you have responded to every highlighted recommendation.

Section II
Please respond to each remaining general recommendation that was not classified “Completed” in Section II of your Two-Year Progress Report. These are identified for you in the portal.

  1. Click on the general recommendations in the portal and click “Open” on the recommendation you are answering.
  2. In the “Response Status” box select and enter the status of the general recommendation based on the categories listed below.

    COMPLETED: The recommendation has been implemented fully or an on-going process has been initiated and/or is in place to ensure its implementation.

    IN PROGRESS: Steps have been taken to carry out the recommendation, but more needs to be done to ensure full implementation.

    PLANNED FOR THE FUTURE: Although the recommendation has not progressed beyond the planning stage, it will be carried out as soon as conditions warrant.

    REJECTED: The recommendation is invalid or relates to circumstances which no longer exist.

    NO ACTION: The recommendation is valid, but has not yet been addressed.
  3. In the dialogue box describe, the school’s process to complete the recommendation or the school’s progress to-date made to implement the recommendation.  For recommendations not completed, indicate the projected plans and timelines for full implementation.
  4. If a general recommendation has already been responded to in the highlighted recommendations, you should still indicate the status of the recommendation and in the dialogue box write “See Response for Standard (1-7)”.
  5. After you have responded to each general recommendation be sure to click “Save All Responses” before closing or your information will not be saved.
  6. Check to ensure that you have responded to every general recommendation.

Section III – IX Response Questions – click on “Open” and after you have entered each response into a dialogue box ensure you click the “Save All Responses” button before closing or your changes will not be saved.

Section III
In the dialogue box briefly describe any substantive change with a negative impact on the school's ability to meet any of the Standards which has not been reported previously to the Committee.  A copy of the Committee's Substantive Change Policy can be accessed here.

Section IV
In the dialogue box cut and paste a copy of the school's current statement of core values, beliefs, and learning expectations (or upload the document in “Add Files”) and describe the process used to review and, if necessary, revise the core values, beliefs about learning, and learning expectations.

Section V
In the dialogue box cite specific examples of how the core values, beliefs, and learning expectations have been used to guide decision-making, particularly as it relates to curricular processes, instructional strategies, and the assessment of student learning.

Section VI
In the dialogue box briefly describe any achievements or strengths in the school's programs or services which have not been previously reported and which have significance for the school.

Section VII
In the dialogue box describe any school restructuring or other reform initiatives or projects not previously reported and indicate planned or completed changes resulting from such initiatives or projects as they relate to the school's curriculum, instruction, assessment, services, personnel, facilities, finances, school climate, educational media technology, and/or community support and involvement. If there have been no new restructuring or reform efforts, please write a statement to that effect.

Section VIII
In the dialogue box provide a brief description of the school's Follow-Up Program since the Two-Year Progress Report was submitted. Include such information as the number of committees formed, degree of participation of parents and community members, process followed, and amount of release time provided. List the names and positions of faculty members who serve on the Follow-Up Committee.

Section IX
Copy and paste the Statistical Data Sheet form as it appears in the portal into the dialogue box and then complete the form in the dialogue box.

Submit Report:
The “Mark Report Complete” button will not appear in the portal until the report is 75% complete.  However, you should make sure that all Sections I – IX of your report are fully completed before you click on this button.

IMPORTANT - Please note that once you click “Mark Report Complete” you will no longer have access to view or edit the information submitted.